Prescott Office – Thousand Islands Hearing, A part of the Beltone Hearing Care Network

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(343) 300-0143

102-555 King Street West
Prescott, ON K0E 1T0
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Hearing Clinic in Prescott, ON

Thousand Islands Hearing, a part of the Beltone Hearing Network, is proud to provide exceptional hearing care services to the residents of Prescott, a charming town located in Leeds and Grenville counties in Ontario. Prescott features iconic landmarks like Fort Wellington National Historic Site and the River Walk Park, and is also home to the annual St. Lawrence Shakespeare Festival!

Our office is conveniently located on King Street West near Centennial Park, and we share a parking lot with the Prescott Family Medical Centre. Led by Sophie Cushing and Kathleen Lowe, our clinic offers appointments on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. If you’re ready to embark on your journey to better hearing, schedule an appointment with one of our professionals today!

Hearing Care Provider in Prescott, ON

At Thousand Islands Hearing, we treat all of our patients with the respect and high standard of care they deserve. Our knowledgeable and attentive staff is honored to serve the Prescott community and guide patients along the path toward better hearing.

  • Sophie Cushing

    Sophie Cushing, B.S.Sc., BC-HIS, Reg AHIP

    Registered Hearing Instrument Practitioner

    View Profile
  • Kathleen Lowe

    Kathleen Lowe, HIS, Reg AHIP

    Registered Hearing Instrument Practitioner

    View Profile

Hearing Care Services in Prescott, ON

Healthy hearing is vital for communicating with others and getting the most out of our experiences. If hearing loss symptoms have been holding you back in life, seeking professional care is the best first step toward finding the right solution.

At your first appointment, we will conduct a thorough hearing test to get an accurate read on your hearing ability. If hearing loss is confirmed, our experienced team of hearing professionals will then match you with the best hearing aid according to your symptoms, lifestyle and preferences. In addition to finding the perfect device for your needs, we also offer services for tinnitus counseling, as well as hearing aid fitting and ongoing maintenance. At Thousand Islands Hearing, our staff is committed to guiding you through every step of your hearing healthcare journey.

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Earwax is a vital component of healthy hearing, but too much can lead to buildup that can cause earaches and other issues. If you’ve been experiencing ear pain or muffled hearing, your provider can check to see if excess earwax is the culprit. We can remove significant blockages in-office, as well as provide instructions for proper home cleaning.

More on Earwax Removal

When it comes to hearing loss, identifying early signs is key to finding the best path forward. Hearing tests provide an accurate picture of your hearing loss and allow your provider to recommend the right treatment. We also offer industrial screenings for patients who work in high-risk environments for noise damage.

More on Hearing Tests

Hearing Aids in Prescott, ON

Our clinic believes that the best hearing care is rooted in a patient-centric and personalized approach. Since every case of hearing loss is unique, we offer tailored solutions based on your personal needs. After your initial hearing evaluation, our professionals will work with you to select a device that addresses your hearing needs, budget and lifestyle.

Once we’ve found the best hearing aids for you, we will custom-fit them to your ear anatomy for maximum comfort and sound quality. All of the devices we carry are made by top hearing aid manufacturers and come equipped with various features that suit your day-to-day preferences. We are committed to providing ongoing support and maintenance beyond your initial fitting, so you can wear your new devices with confidence. If you’re ready to start hearing your best, book an appointment with Thousand Islands Hearing today!

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Hearing Aid Styles

As hearing aid technology continues to evolve, choosing a style that suits your needs can be challenging. At Beltone Hearing Care Centre, we understand each person experiences hearing loss differently. Not all hearing aid styles are suitable for everyone, so we carry various devices that differ in size, placement, features and amplification.

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One day Event! Appointments Available

Mon • Apr 14th

April Special Hearing Event in Prescott

Prescott, ON | Prescott Office – Thousand Islands Hearing, A part of the Beltone Hearing Care Network

Join us for this free event in your area, and take advantage of some amazing, limited time offers. Reservations are required to ensure your spot.

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