Brockville Office – Thousand Islands Hearing, A part of the Beltone Hearing Care Network

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(613) 499-9793

18-333 California Avenue
Brockville, ON K6V 7M9
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Hearing Clinic in Brockville, ON

Thousand Islands Hearing, a part of the Beltone Hearing Network, is proud to serve the residents of Brockville, Ontario. Known as the “City of the 1000 Islands,” Brockville features a unique mix of historical and natural landmarks, such as the Brockville Railway Tunnel, the Aquatarium at Tall Ships Landing and the St. Lawrence River. 

Our office is a short ride off of the MacDonald-Cartier Freeway and is conveniently situated on California Avenue next to the Home Depot. Led by Sophie Cushing and Rebecca Mallette, our clinic offers appointments five days a week, Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and there is ample parking outside the building. If you’re ready to take the first step towards better hearing, schedule an appointment with us today!

Hearing Care Provider in Brockville, ON

You deserve the peace of mind that comes with exceptional hearing healthcare. At Thousand Islands Hearing, our caring and compassionate specialists have extensive expertise in treating a diverse range of hearing health issues, so you can rest assured that your care is in the best hands.

  • Sophie Cushing

    Sophie Cushing, B.S.Sc., BC-HIS, Reg AHIP

    Registered Hearing Instrument Practitioner

    View Profile
  • Rebecca Mallette 8258

    Rebecca Mallet, HIS, Reg AHIP

    Registered Hearing Instrument Practitioner

    View Profile

Hearing Care Services in Prescott, ON

Healthy hearing is essential for everyday life, whether talking with loved ones at home, participating in a work meeting or running errands. If left untreated, hearing loss symptoms may worsen over time, which can be an isolating experience and may even lead to cognitive issues down the road.

Seeking professional assistance is the first step to understanding your hearing loss and finding the best solution. At Thousand Islands Hearing, we offer a wide range of hearing healthcare services that are tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual. From the initial evaluation to ongoing treatment and repairs, our team of professionals uses cutting-edge technology to connect you with the right hearing aids and treatment plan. We look forward to guiding you on your hearing health journey!

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Earwax is a vital component of healthy hearing, but too much can lead to buildup that can cause earaches and other issues. If you’ve been experiencing ear pain or muffled hearing, your provider can check to see if excess earwax is the culprit. We can remove significant blockages in-office, as well as provide instructions for proper home cleaning.

More on Earwax Removal

When it comes to hearing loss, identifying early signs is key to finding the best path forward. Hearing tests provide an accurate picture of your hearing loss and allow your provider to recommend the right treatment. We also offer industrial screenings for patients who work in high-risk environments for noise damage.

More on Hearing Tests

Hearing Aids in Brockville, ON

Once hearing loss is diagnosed, your healthcare provider will likely recommend hearing aids as the best treatment option. At Thousand Islands Hearing, we offer a diverse range of devices from industry-leading manufacturers to cater to your specific hearing needs. Whether you prefer something sleek and discreet or loaded with advanced technology, our experts will help you find your perfect match.

After choosing your hearing aids, we will then conduct a personalized fitting session to ensure your devices are comfortable and deliver a crystal-clear sound experience. If you discover any issues after your fitting, our staff is here to help! Reach out to us at any time for ongoing maintenance and repairs so we can help your devices support your hearing health for years to come.

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Hearing Aid Styles

As hearing aid technology continues to evolve, choosing a style that suits your needs can be challenging. At Beltone Hearing Care Centre, we understand each person experiences hearing loss differently. Not all hearing aid styles are suitable for everyone, so we carry various devices that differ in size, placement, features and amplification.

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event image spring bicyclist cherry blossoms
Two day Event! Appointments Available

Wed • Apr 16th - Thu • Apr 17th

April Special Hearing Event in Brockville

Brockville, ON | Brockville Office – Thousand Islands Hearing, A part of the Beltone Hearing Care Network

Join us for this free event in your area, and take advantage of some amazing, limited time offers. Reservations are required to ensure your spot.

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